Return of terrorists in Tunisia and cautious anticipation of the Brotherhood Al-Nahda party

1 min readFeb 15, 2022


The attempt to break into the headquarters of the Tunisian Ministry of the Interior on Habib Bourguiba Street in the center of the capital, by a person in possession of a white weapon, renewed fears about the threat of terrorists returning from hotbeds of tension to Tunisia.

An Independent newspaper spoke about their danger, as the former Brigadier General in the National Guard, Ali Zermdini, assured that “these are not ordinary citizens, but fighters and terrorists,” expressing his astonishment that “their file was not given great attention by the Tunisian state because it affects the country’s national security.” To “not receive them because they committed crimes outside the borders of the country,” and to “trial them in the areas where they committed their crimes,” and stressed “the danger of their presence in Tunisia, whether inside or outside prisons.”

Qatar is a heavy investor in Tunisia and enjoyed close political relations with the Ennahda




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