Iran Skyrocketing Prices

May 21, 2021

As Iran’s economic crisis deepens, Iran’s state-run media and officials acknowledge how the regime’s corruption has plagued Iranian people’s lives. They also warn of people’s reactions to the ongoing crises in Iran.

This year, the regime’s president Hassan Rouhani bragged about the “39% increase” of workers’ salaries. Due to the inflation and since Rouhani’s government continues increasing prices of basic goods, Iranian workers are grappling with poverty.

According to ILNA, “In the first two months of the [Persian] year, the food basket of households alone has increased by one million and 170 thousand tomans.”

Iran’s state-run media and economists have rejected this claim that sanctions are the problem of Iran’s economy.




News, stories, and updates from Middle East and from the world. Critical researcher on migrant governance and human rights in Turkey and in the Mid East.