German MP Markus Fronmayer slash out at Qatar

Mar 31, 2022

German MP Markus Fronmayer gave a speech in Parliament in which he attacked Qatar and its support for terrorism and its violations of human and women’s rights. The deputy described Qatar as a dictatorship, authoritarian and corruption rife

Qatar won a sensationally shady bid for hosting rights way back in 2010. Years later, with many suspecting corruption, American investigator Michael Garcia produced a 430-page report that did not offer proof that Qatar had essentially bought the World Cup, but did detail loads of questionable behavior.

Corruption, poor human rights record, the controversy doesn’t end there. The employment system in Qatar has a particularly discriminatory impact on women. It exposes them to abuse and sexual violence. Qatar has even imprisoned women for the ‘crime’ of extramarital sex, when in fact the woman had been raped




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