Doubts Over Farmajo’s New Project — Building A House Or Lying About Money Laundering?

1 min readJun 4, 2022

Supporters of former Somali president Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo last night officially launched a project called “House of the People’s President” to build a house for Farmajo.

However, the biggest threat surrounding this project is the fear of being used for money laundering, to get millions of dollars in cash through the banking system, and if it is delivered directly now many births.

Money Laundering is often used by drug traffickers, terrorists, money launderers, and anyone who wants to deposit unlicensed cash into a bank account.

While it is not known how much money Farmajo personally owns, it is estimated to be in the millions of dollars, according to the election campaign.

The activists called on the concerned authorities to confront the money laundering campaign carried out by “Farmago” and open an investigation into the money looted from the treasury in the past five years, in addition to the other crimes he committed, including murder, torture, enforced disappearance and others.




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