Backlash as Northern Cyprus reopens ghost resort in Varosha

Aug 20, 2021


Turkish Cypriot announcement of pushing ahead with a partial reopening of an abandoned town prompted backlash from the Greek Cypriots in the south of the island.

The EU and US, who only recognize the Greek Cypriot administration, also condemned the step.

Turkish Cypriot authorities announced on Tuesday that they are pushing ahead with a partial reopening of an abandoned town.

Varosha, in Famagusta, has been unoccupied since the 1974 conflict between Greek and Turkish Cypriots left it in an inaccessible military zone.

United Nations resolutions call for Varosha to be handed over to UN administration and to allow people to return to their homes.

Varosha has always been regarded as a bargaining chip for Ankara in any future peace deal.




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